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Tiequon Edward Glass is a Fashion Designer, Coach, and Content Creator based in Arizona.
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The son of a model/caregiver and military/business man he got his start in life dodging sticks and stones. He knew very early on that the cards were not stacked in his favor. The dichotomy of his religious upbringing and purpose growing inside of him was too much for any child to manage alone.

Although barely, he survived his childhood, somehow still loving, somehow still hopeful, somehow still blessed. Just beginning to stand in the entirety of himself as Black Gay man he had door after shut in his face. No after no on repeat in his mind, yet he always kept his faith because he knew what he felt inside of him was bigger than himself. Something told him to keep moving forward, keep learning, and most importantly keep growing your time is near.

Tiequon Edward Glass had a history of never being in a room he didn’t belong in, even if he didn’t know it at the time. He didn’t know his inner artist that got him through the pain of his childhood, was making a way for his future. He didn’t know that his willingness to always rise to the challenge, was making a way for his future. He didn’t know that his incessant frustration with socially projected fashion Norms, was making a way for his future. He didn’t know that his gift of empathy, was making a way for his future.

He didn’t know, but he knows now, and he also knows that life holds you responsible for knowing. So he accepted his responsibility to created a space for growth and empowerment, focusing on his passions and purpose: fashion, lifestyle, and food.

—The Glass Brand