Loved and Lost…or so I thought

Season 2 Episode 2: really Episode 3

loved and lost….can you really ever lose if you learned?

Love and loss are two of the most complex experiences that shape our existence. When we lose ourselves and or someone we love, it feels as though a part of us has been irretrievably taken away, leaving behind an emptiness that seems impossible to fill. Yet, this sense of loss can often be a catalyst for growth and healing. As time passes, we may come to realize that the love we thought was lost has merely transformed, continuing to live on through the lessons we learned from it. This realization can bring a new sense of hope and understanding, reminding us that love, in its many forms, is never truly lost but rather evolves, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and shaping our very essence.

The Glass Brand

The Glass brand creator and founder Tiequon Edward Glass, Followed his passions when he created The Glass Brand. A Fashion, Lifestyle, and Food brand, that would speak to his fellow intrinsically motivated introverts that are all about the “Humble Brag”.